Monday, December 11, 2017

Seorang Inspirasi, Nazura Gulfira

Selamat mensyukuri udara hari ini!

Kali ini, saya ingin bercerita sedikit tentang idola saya dalam dunia blogging (dan nyata). Adalah Nazura Gulfira, seorang perempuan muda Indonesia yang sedang melakukan studi di Negeri Kincir Angin. Kalau diberi kesempatan, rasanya saya ingin sekali bertukar pikiran dan memeluknya! Karena ia begitu inspiratif, saya bersyukur bisa mendapat cahaya untuk pikiran dan hati yang lebih terang setiap membaca tulisan dalam blog-nya.

Kategori tulisan Ozu, begitu ia sering disapa, yang paling saya suka adalah Conversation With Mom. Dimulai awal tahun ini, tepatnya bulan Februari, dan saya langsung jatuh hati. Salah satu yang paling saya sukai dan diingat adalah secercah dari Conversation With Mom #3:

"Now I completely understand why some people don't have a big house even though they could. They prefer to have this modestly sized house which can bring people inside together that a big house just couldn't… some people keep their coffee shop to just one small store, not because they cannot make it into an expansive franchise, but because they just don't want to expand their businesses. They appreciate the authenticity of the process behind it rather than the commercial potential of it… some people have already been producing lots of works and yet are still not as popular as the newcomers. It's not because they are blind to the market, but because they'd rather retain the originality of their ideas rather than just providing the demand of the market… and some people decided to stay as a staff, not because they are incompetent to be a manager, but because they prioritise family over career"

Rasanya saya nggak perlu bercerita terlalu banyak kali ini. Saya sarankan kamu untuk membaca langsung tulisan-tulisan Ozu. 

Kalau kamu, siapakah blogger favoritmu?

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