Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Cooking Gendis #4: Kinda Salsa Dip

Inspired by Kak Atiit because I got a lot of chips at home and I thought, this would be a great dip! And plus point, the recipe is super easy! Well, I didn't have olive oil in hand, so I skip it.

1/2 bell pepper
1/2 cucumber
7 shallots
2 chili
1 tomato
2 tbsp lemon water
1 tbsp olive oil
Salt and pepper

1. Add all ingredients to a chopper and chop it all up!

2. Add salt and pepper to taste, mix it up, and done!

3. Enjoy with chips or deep-fried stuff.

It's best served to be enjoyed with friends or someone special, such a chips stealer! It tasted fresh, tangy, a bit spicy, and a tad sweet. I enjoyed the dip with tortilla chips and cassava chips, I also made some crispy mushrooms. Promise me you'll make it at home!

Cooking Gendis.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Cooking Gendis #3: Steamed Banana Cake

If you haven't got an update, my oven is broken and the electricity at home is unstable. Well, pretty much as broken and unstable as me HAHA but yeah my life has been so empty without an oven. You know, baking is one of my coping mechanisms, that's what.

So, I calmed myself down and made this banana cake with a stove a.k.a steamed banana cake!

2 large bananas
7 tbsp castor sugar
10 tbsp melted butter or cooking oil
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract
11 tbsp cassava flour or all-purpose flour
1 tbsp milk powder
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt

1. Mash the bananas.

2. Add eggs and mix until smooth.

3. Stir in the sugar, oil, and vanilla extract.
4. Whisk the flour, milk powder, baking powder, baking soda, and salt together. Mix with the wet ingredients.

5. Pour the batter into the prepared loaf pan, add chocolate, nuts, or any topping that you like.

6. Steam for 1 hour.

It tasted simple, but good, and mine was gone in 3 hours, eaten up by me and my mom. Let me know if you have tried the recipe! If you substitute the sugar with brown sugar and add pandan leaves, it will become Apem Pisang.

Cooking Gendis.

Monday, July 26, 2021

Cooking Gendis #2: Mushroom Rice

This recipe is inspired by Ko Budiman, but I adjusted the recipe a little bit to what I have at home and I made it in a rice cooker, much easier and simple. If you love the earthy smell and taste of mushrooms, you're gonna love this! Simple ingredients with big flavor. I'm using champignon, but this recipe also goes well with other subtle mushrooms like shimeji, fresh shiitake, or swiss brown.

As always, don't wash the mushroom! Mushroom is like a sponge, it will absorb the water, dull the flavor, and we will need a longer time to reduce the liquid when we cook it. Tip to clean the mushroom, use a damp towel or tissue to wipe it clean. If they are really dirty, we can peel or cut away the unwanted part, but if they are slimy, rotten, or smell bad, then we need to throw them away.

400-500 g champignon mushroom
2 cups of rice
2 cloves of garlic
1 onion
1 spring onion
4 tbsp of butter
4 tbsp of shoyu
1 cup of bone broth or chicken stock
1 cup of water or so
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Slice the mushroom, not too thin, and finely chopped the garlic, onion, and spring onion. Separate the green and the white part of the spring onion. Wash the rice. Set aside.
2. Saute the onion, garlic, and white part of spring onion with butter until fragrant and a change in color, the onion becomes transparent.

3. Mushroom get in, add a pinch or two of salt and mix well. Salt helps to draw water from the mushroom. If your mushroom looks dry, it's okay, the mushroom soaks the butter and releases it back later.

4. Keep stirring until the liquid is gone, then add shoyu. It will become dark, glossy, and fragrant. Add pepper, taste, you can add more salt to your liking.
5. Take half of the mushrooms for later because they will turn pale when they are cooked along with the rice, add the remaining half at the end to make it beautiful.

6. Cook the rice in the rice cooker like usual, add broth and water, don't forget to add salt if you only use water or unseasoned stock.

7. After the rice is done cooking, put the half remaining mushroom back and the green part of the spring onion, and give a good stir.

The charm of this dish is the humble ingredients, but very delicious. Well, you can also add other proteins to make it extra! It tasted clean, but heartwarming. I ate it with tamagoyaki (Japanese omelet) and teriyaki glazed eggplant. I'm definitely gonna make this again in the future! :D

Cooking Gendis.

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Cooking Gendis #1: Roasted Chicken Drumstick

I made an easy roasted chicken drumstick with Sasa Bumbu Lumur Ayam Spesial! The trick is to marinate your chicken with double seasonings. So, if you have 1 kg of chicken, use 2 sachets, and if you only have 1/2 kg, then you can use 1 sachet. Of course, it turned out GREAT 'cuz the #MICIN took place HAHA, but I don't mind at all, I'm a part of #GenerasiMicin after all. Anyways, I made it extra by adding some other ingredients, here's the recipe!

1/2 kg of chicken drumstick
1 sachet of Sasa Bumbu Lumur Ayam Spesial
1 tbsp rosemary (dried)
1 tbsp thyme (dried)
1/2 of lemon juice (and slices of lemon)
3 cloves of garlic

1. Marinate the chicken overnight with instant bumbu, lemon juice, and herbs.
2. Add crushed garlic and slices of lemon to the marinated chicken.
3. Put on the baking sheet and bake for 45 minutes.

Simple, easy, and delicious! I didn't use any oil because the fat from the drumstick will release some oil. You can also add potato and carrot, then drizzle it with some olive oil, too bad I don't have it in the fridge, so I ate it with rice #TypicalIndonesian. This hack is for y'all lazy people out there! If you don't have various herbs at home, this recipe is perfect.

The chicken is tender and juicy, the overall taste is fresh and clean. Once you turn on the oven, the heavenly aroma of rosemary and thyme will burst out to the entire house. Let me know if you wanna try the recipe :D

Cooking Gendis.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Little Things

The more I live this life, the more I realize...

It's the ongoing Korean drama,

it's the weekend baking agenda,

it's the funny Tiktok videos,

it's the thought of loved ones,

it's the silly WhatsApp stickers,

it's the instant noodle at midnight,

it's the conversations between two neighbors,

it's the wildflowers down the road,

it's the simple little things.

That makes tomorrow possible.

We will be happy, and sad, then happy, and sad again, but...

There's always a tomorrow.

It's always great to have something to look forward to.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

What's Your Love Language?

Mine is food.

Big time. Period.

So, when I send you food, even my home-cooked meals or homemade baked goods, that means I'm grateful for having you in my life. I wanna share happiness through food, I wanna ignite your senses through food, and I wanna mail the five love languages through food. Basically, I love you. And girl, oh boy, when you ask me to eat with you or send me your favorite food, I can't thank you enough.

Since the pandemic is still happening, duh, we can't share meals together at a table like we used to and that's kinda depressing. I might be an introvert, but hell yeah, I miss having brunch dates with my besties in a cute cafe, vintage restaurant, or a McDonald's drive-thru. I want them to come over to my house so that Ebo and I can cook them meals and have a talk.

Food is like a gate to someone's life in a very romantic way.

So, what's your love language?

Monday, April 26, 2021


Apa yang membuatmu bertahan sampai hari ini?

Kalau aku sih, dipikir-pikir, hebat juga masih ada di sini sekarang, bernapas di atas kasur yang, walau sudah reyot, nyaman. Kadang suka luput dalam daftar hal-hal yang membuatku bahagia, sejuknya AC, sepatu jelly, daster bolong-bolong nan adem, itulah yang bikin aku bisa melewati mimpi buruk di tahun 2020. Mungkin kalau mereka gak ada, ya, aku bakal misuh-misuh terus.

Mulai dari pandemi (Oh, fuck you Coronavirus!), Ayah yang sudah pulang, sampai setahun perjalanan ditemani dr. Leo yang ternyata baru permulaan. Tahun 2020 gak main-main, selalu ada-ada saja. Namun, benar bahwa semua hal itu netral, tinggal bagaimana kita menjalani dan mengamati secara berkesadaran. Apa-apa yang terjadi merupakan spektrum, entah condong ke mana, kita (sebenarnya) peka.

Duh, dan sebulan terakhir, otakku sering kali membohongi diriku sendiri, bahkan berhalusinasi. Susah banget buat bangun dari tidur dan mandi pagi, merasa gak perform saat kerja, emotional eating, dan kayak gak punya siapa-siapa. Ya, memang sih ini perjuanganku sendiri, tapi coba deh baca argumen ini, aku sih setuju, kesehatan mental = kesehatan fisik, melekat dan terkait, satu kesatuan, tak terpisahkan.

Hampir memasuki bulan kelima di tahun 2021, kadang aku merasa gini-gini saja, tapi kadang merasa aku banyak berubah. Aku juga sedang merasa gak butuh-butuh amat untuk punya social media pribadi, kalau memang lagi pengen sharing makanan yang aku suka, ngomongin tentang hal-hal yang bikin aku senang, atau ranting soal hidup, ya gapapa untuk aktif lagi, tapi gak setiap saat. Walaupun pekerjaanku masih di bidang social media sejak tahun 2017, tidak aktif di social media pribadi gak membuatku ketinggalan zaman dalam hal pekerjaan. Jadi, nothing to lose, lah.

Dah, gitu saja sih.

Salam perut salmon ginuk-ginuk di semangkuk Torched-nya Honu.

Sunday, January 3, 2021

You Belong

Have you ever feel like you don't belong here or anywhere else?

You take a step then go back a thousand.

Everything becomes your hassle and there's someone shouting, "You don't belong here." while no one's here. Whistling, whistling, in the woods of numbers, rewards, and metrics of life. What will you do when you encounter the situation?

Will you fight back or will you keep pace with the flow?

Di titik nol dan puncak gunung itu
Ia berlari, tetapi ke sana, ke mari
Mengejar burung merpati, mendobrak
Keputusasaan yang abadi

Hutan bersorak, meriah, lantas berbisik
"Menyenangkan, ya?
:menyelami penderitaan
Berlomba menjadi pemahat, lama-lama

Di titik nol kedua dan kawah itu
Ia berhenti, tetapi matanya menari lagi
Mengamati Tuhan, berlagak congkak
Ketidakpastian yang hantui

Hutan terseok-seok, merintih, lantas berteriak
"Menyedihkan, ya?"
:mengetahui kebahagiaan
Berlomba menjadi paling tahu, sama-sama

Di titik ini, tidak di sini,
dan mati.

When you feel like you have everything, believe me, you have nothing, but yourself.