Thursday, June 22, 2017

One of a Kind

People must've known, she's one of a kind.

I met her in the first semester of my college life. As a freshman, am not quite good at making friends, but then she came. I actually don't remember exactly when I hang with her for the first time, but what I remember is that she's always been the one who stays. Through thick and thin, my good and bad, she never leaves.

I remembered when we should choose our major towards to the third semester, we were crossing different path. I cried day and night because I didn't know if I will ever survive my college life in my major without her lol I'm being very melodramatic that time. From five of my closest friends, including her, I got lost alone in Public Relations. They went all for Journalism. It was a hard time for me because it means I have to getting used to hang around with people that are not really my kind of people, if you know what I mean. Thank God, I survived.

The latest photo that we took together
Anyer, June 19th, 2017

Icha, that's how I called her, or sometimes Chaem, Chapedeh, Corn, and whatsoever nickname I gave her. We're a 21 gurl, what differ us is only the month, April and June, but you know, we're so 21. We turned 21 this year, the date 21 for the 21st time. We are welcoming the legal age, baby.

I always adored her lovable personality. It's a sure that everyone loves her. She brings happiness in every step. Her confidence spread out all over whenever she smiles. Not to forget her golden voice that can make everyone's lips forms wow. She's a sunshine that walks. You haven't known her? Pity you, she is the best one to have.

We walk together, as friend, partner, even as a sister. From always being in the same group in class, being rejected from UMN Radio and Ultima Sonora (for God sake, she got beautiful voice), got accepted to UMN TV, being hair-do team for Arture (and we got accepted because.. just because HEHE), having crushes to bule-bule JWFMD while volunteering, and other things that just make our bonds stronger. We talked shoes, love, trees, spices and all things nice.

Dear Cornelia Yurisa Udasena Gani a.k.a Ariana Grande KW 21,

We will not see each other often because of this internship thingy in the seventh semester. Good luck for your internship experience, apply to as many companies as you can so that you will never miss your chances, I know you're a very compatible journalist that every company would love to hire you as one of their assets. We can hang on weekends, you can come with me to work. Or maybe a Nasi-Bebek-across-campus date (and I'll have my own plate and spoon and fork from home so that I can be your company to eat there HA, or just take away it why am I so complicated ugh).

Always spread out your positive energies to others so that God smiles. Thank you for always being my berry best friend in a lifetime. And keep being Tante Mamih a.k.a my Ebo's favorite, will you? So that she will always happy if you sleepover at my house and happily cooking you some Ayam Bumbu Rujak. Don't forget, be ready to be one of my bridesmaids in the future because if it's not you then who will?!

You're truly a blessing.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Ada Apa #5 | Diam

Sejauh saya hidup, cukup banyak orang yang menyalahartikan bila saya diam.

Mungkin ada yang berpikir, saya tidak nyaman, sedang gelisah, atau bahkan marah. Mungkin memang iya, tetapi sering kali juga tidak. Satu hal yang saya percaya, saya tidak boleh terjerat oleh apa yang dibayangkan orang lain. Untuk saya, diam adalah keterandalan, dalam situasi apapun.

Saya teringat pernyataan yang Laksmi Pamuntjak utarakan melalui karakter Bhisma Rashad dalam novel Amba, kiranya demikian;

"...diam adalah kearifan tertinggi. Bahwa diam membawa hikmahnya sendiri, yang nggak selalu terlihat."

Masih selaras dengan pernyataan di atas, saya setuju pula dengan Amba Kinanti, karakter yang diciptakan Laksmi; dalam bayangan Ibu, saya memang bukan perempuan Jawa tenan, tetapi saya sudah terlatih untuk tak mengumbar perasaan.

Bila saya diam, cobalah 'tuk telaah lebih dalam.

Tak jarang kalau saya diam, sesungguhnya saya sedang menikmati momen yang saya tahu betul, tidak akan terulang. Menurut saya, momen-momen yang ada di hidup saya, terlepas orang mau bilang biasa atau hanya sekadar hal kecil, harus saya nikmati. Mulai dari momen menyenangkan sampai yang pahit. Dan cara saya menikmatinya itu, dalam diam, dalam keheningan. 

Dalam diam, saya lebih mudah untuk menemukan nilai-nilai akan suatu hal, atau bahkan mengingat nilai-nilai yang ada di dalam diri. Bila sedang beruntung, saya juga bisa menjumpai cermin, yang bening, dan merefleksikan hal-hal yang dapat membantu saya, menemukan diri sendiri. 

Saya tahu, tak setiap orang berpikir terang setiap saat. Asumsi terhadap apa yang diyakini pasti selalu ada. Esensi keheningan yang kiranya sama, apakah benar?

Ada baiknya kita saling belajar untuk menghargai dan memahami setiap makna yang orang lain tafsir. Perbedaan antara saya, kamu, dan orang lain di sekitar kita, bukanlah penghalang, tetapi penghubung.

Apakah kamu juga menikmati keheningan yang tercipta saat diam?