Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Small Thing

Hi! It's February and I have to begin this month by writing my thesis so that I can graduate this year! Y'all say AAMIIN! *aamiin* Anyways, lately I've been doing these small things myself and I hope I can make it as a big change for the entire being's life, or at least the smallest a.k.a mine. So, what are they?

1. Bring my own water bottle or tumbler whenever and wherever I go. I've been doing this since forever, my favorite habit so far.
2. Bring my own tote bag inside my bag, in the car, or whenever I go.
3. Not using straw, plastic drinking-straw, except if the place offers me stainless steel straw or anything reusable. I also avoid using a bamboo chopstick or any non-reusable utensil for me to eat.
4. Keeping my trash with me until I find any trash can.
5. Ordering cone instead of a cup for my ice cream. This one kinda hard because I eat ice cream like a kid a.k.a celemotan.

Thank God that I inspired by many beautiful people I found in the digital world. I never meet them in person, but somehow I feel connected and I love doing the same struggle with them. Two of my favorites are:

1. Astri Puji Lestari

I adore everything about her! From her little but clean white house that you can check out here featured by Living Loving to her site that is so helpful.

2. Kota tanpa Sampah

It's a local movement I know from a good friend of mine. I usually keep up with their feed on Instagram, but they also got a not-so-updated site that you can check out here.

It is HARD to live a zero-waste life, but by that, it doesn't mean that it's impossible. You know it's hard, especially when you've been surrounded by a plastic-everywhere-environment because my mother does catering services and use a lot of non-reusable containers. I also having a hard time to reduce my utilization of tissue paper and cotton pad because I just use it quite a lot when I go to the toilet and for my skincare routine. Well, step-by-step, little-by-little, I know I can do it tho it's still an awfully long waaaaay to go.

What small thing do you like to do best as a change for our lovely mother Earth? Share yours with me! :)

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