Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Disconnected to Connect

I was sitting in a yellow-red color fast food chain restaurant with a friend last week. We were eating chicken nuggets and fries while having a nice talk. We both didn't bring our phones on purpose and turned out it feels great. Well, it was only an hour, but I enjoyed every bit of it. We disconnected ourselves. 

We didn't worry about the unread chats, the unpressed love button, and all social things that technology offered to connect, or no, but to disconnect. 

Besides, what social about social media? 

Yes, we socialize on social media. Yes, we get values of social changing. Yes, we can access anything we want. But, do we understand things? That is happening around us? Or we get a less understanding? 

As we make a favorable impression that we build ourselves for others to see as an image. As we get an evaluation of multiple images after we practice what we preach as a reputation. As we get networks, as we build relations. As we communicate as social beings. As the communication is intentional, manifested in what we call social media.

I used to be very ignorant to my phone, and now I can't. I miss myself in a year ago, when I didn't have to hold my phone all around because I just hate it, when I just kept my phone off in my backpack at the campus, when I was peacefully happy even if my phone is nowhere to be found, and all that is when I haven't got the responsibility as a social media strategist in my community. 

It's not that I don't put my heart on what I am doing, but somehow, I want to take a break from it. I want to connect with the world, with humans in my circle, with my mom, with myself. I try to be professional as I could, while it's not just about competence, but attitude and commitment. Then I ask myself, why did you undertake it at the beginning? 

Everyone thought that being a social media strategist is an easy thing to do, but no, trust me dude, at least for me. Moreover, I skipped details and things that I should post on my community's social media in recent days. I don't know how to uplift my mood to maximizing the social media as a marketing tool. Mom keeps telling I'm busy so that I'm not focusing, but I believed that there's no such a word as busy, but productive, as we can manage our time well. Maybe I just lose my retention on how to manage my time in a right way, but I'm just so qualm of my routines. 

Tired is having no time to disconnect and I'm tired. I want to throw away my phone out of my life into the deep sea. The end.

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