Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Cooking Gendis #4: Kinda Salsa Dip

Inspired by Kak Atiit because I got a lot of chips at home and I thought, this would be a great dip! And plus point, the recipe is super easy! Well, I didn't have olive oil in hand, so I skip it.

1/2 bell pepper
1/2 cucumber
7 shallots
2 chili
1 tomato
2 tbsp lemon water
1 tbsp olive oil
Salt and pepper

1. Add all ingredients to a chopper and chop it all up!

2. Add salt and pepper to taste, mix it up, and done!

3. Enjoy with chips or deep-fried stuff.

It's best served to be enjoyed with friends or someone special, such a chips stealer! It tasted fresh, tangy, a bit spicy, and a tad sweet. I enjoyed the dip with tortilla chips and cassava chips, I also made some crispy mushrooms. Promise me you'll make it at home!

Cooking Gendis.

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