I bumped up to Ibu Melly's post on Instagram, she was once a lecturer at my campus, her caption tho:
"It's not to buy all you want to have BUT to do all the things you want to do and be all the things you want to be. #wednesdaywisdom"
February has been a tough month, but as Dag Hammarskjöld have said, "Never measure the height of a mountain until you have reached the top. Then you will see how low it was." Well, indeed. I had every intention to be great, to be grand, but there will always any days that all I could be is just to be okay. And it's okay, truly okay, as long as I remember that a journey is just meant to be traversed, in a positive way of course.
I really have to reduce (to 0%, I wish) the consumptive wants that I have because I am here today not to grant my lust, but to make my love ones proud. Bismillah.