Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Oh Darling

Rain comes and sweep off the fears. A puddle of hopes that I found earlier started to show off. Blushing cheeks, also at heart because your kick. Night and the wind compromise to become a cheerleader to the nuance. Breezy love, empty glass, full shots of conversations. I glance at you, who's captivated me. Time seems to stop, trying to understand what's going on under the warm shades. I'm dealing with a portrait of a fictional character that exists in a human body. Wait, are you real?

Darling, I'm flying. Oh, but when I suddenly fall, would you like to catch?

And I forgot to ask you.

You won't spread your wings, so don't ask me to fly. Naive is what you're facing. Honesty is a diamond ring. Explanations extinct. Keeping someone hanging is not a thing. The words you're raised may take me out of the world, and what you did as an action is contrary. Don't grow your plant in a place that should be buried since the truth reveal. It's nonsense, and hurt, whatsoever. 

I ain't about to play no games and all is pseudo. I am just being human.