I love to do a detox, basically, for everything that I really like. I know that I needed to get rid of my own addiction to things and that's why I do it. And most of the time, I nailed it. I always have a kind of strong commitment to myself, especially when it comes to principal things. I believed in every decision I made, there must be a risk that I should face. I gotta be ready.
Promises Detox
I started this detox on Ramadhan. The objective is to run my worship while Ramadhan peacefully and smoothly without any distractions from my own promises to human. This detox also applied to bukber or break-fasting together with friends. I can count that I only did bukber on Ramadhan for 6 times. It's quite an achievement for me because, in previous Ramadhan, I could make several bukber in a month, even twice, three or four times a week. Bad, eh? I know.
This promises detox is actually still on going until now on. Well, I try to. I won't make any person swallowed by my promises, in meet-up plans, in to-do-list, or in anything. I want to keep my promises. If I can't make it, then I'll say that I can't. If I'm not sure if I can make it, then I'll say I'll keep you update. I won't make 'em wait and hoping for things that ain't sure. I know the feeling of being left hanging and it's not good at all, I'm telling you. So, don't be one. #selfreminder
Social Media Detox
The most difficult detox I could ever experience. Social media are so intricately woven into the fabrics of my life, especially Instagram. I wanna unplugged myself from the Insta-Stalking, Insta-Liking, Insta-Updating, Insta-Commenting, and Insta-Everything. Thank God, I'm happier now. I don't have to worry about the drama that is going on social media, I don't have to worry about my wants after scrolling through online-shop feed, and I don't have to worry about my face on social media.
I'm still holding some social media account, for UMN TV, a freelance job as a social media handler, and internship, like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. That's why I can't really get off of social media, but I try to manage myself to use it professionally, not as my personal business. I realized that social media is not so essential at some point of my life, besides, this detox makes me less judgemental. I also got the chance to collect moments around me, not losing them.
The only social media that I regularly use right now is Snapchat. Why Snapchat? Because I don't have many friends in Snapchat, only two or three people that are still using it and they're all my close friends. I usually snap some videos and photos when my mom and I wanna use the cute filters Snapchat provides lol and to see the story of Buzzfeed, Food Network, and Tastemade to entertain me when I'm bored.
My goal is to take a break from Instagram for a year so wish me a good luck. It's been 3 months since I left Instagram and I can't be more proud of myself. #selflove
Coffee Detox
This one is kinda tricky. I need coffee to energize my mood while working and as a drink to accompany my meetings. It's actually a cure for my headache as well so I took coffee as a healer. I started to drink coffee regularly when I went to college and it's getting worse day by day. It's become an addiction.
You know, I try to consume it once or twice a month now because I ever two months not drinking it on Christmas holiday and I'm fine. At least, I'm not taking it daily. I replace coffee with mineral water. Every time I need a cup of coffee, I drink a gallon of water. Water is good. #selfconvince
Any Other Detox
And there is any other detox that I've done. Mall (window shopping) detox, sugar detox, fast food detox, you named it. The most impossible detox for me is only ice cream detox. I can't get off of ice cream for real, I don't know why the cold-sweet-super-delicious thing like ice cream is so hard to resist.Well, I just don't want to get ice cream detox actually hehe.
Detox is both healing and relieving. It just feels like something that I should do often. I don't mind to do it either.
If you haven't done any detox, trust me you should.
What kind of detox would you like to do?
The only social media that I regularly use right now is Snapchat. Why Snapchat? Because I don't have many friends in Snapchat, only two or three people that are still using it and they're all my close friends. I usually snap some videos and photos when my mom and I wanna use the cute filters Snapchat provides lol and to see the story of Buzzfeed, Food Network, and Tastemade to entertain me when I'm bored.
My goal is to take a break from Instagram for a year so wish me a good luck. It's been 3 months since I left Instagram and I can't be more proud of myself. #selflove
Coffee Detox
This one is kinda tricky. I need coffee to energize my mood while working and as a drink to accompany my meetings. It's actually a cure for my headache as well so I took coffee as a healer. I started to drink coffee regularly when I went to college and it's getting worse day by day. It's become an addiction.
You know, I try to consume it once or twice a month now because I ever two months not drinking it on Christmas holiday and I'm fine. At least, I'm not taking it daily. I replace coffee with mineral water. Every time I need a cup of coffee, I drink a gallon of water. Water is good. #selfconvince
Any Other Detox
And there is any other detox that I've done. Mall (window shopping) detox, sugar detox, fast food detox, you named it. The most impossible detox for me is only ice cream detox. I can't get off of ice cream for real, I don't know why the cold-sweet-super-delicious thing like ice cream is so hard to resist.
Detox is both healing and relieving. It just feels like something that I should do often. I don't mind to do it either.
If you haven't done any detox, trust me you should.
What kind of detox would you like to do?